libmoldeo (Moldeo 1.0 Core)  1.0
libmoldeo is the group of objects and functions that executes the basic operations of Moldeo 1.0 Platform.
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1 /*******************************************************************************
3  moText.h
5  ****************************************************************************
6  * *
7  * This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
10  * (at your option) any later version. *
11  * *
12  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
13  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
15  * General Public License for more details. *
16  * *
17  * A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World *
18  * Wide Web at <>. You can also *
19  * obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, *
20  * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
21  * *
22  ****************************************************************************
24  Copyright(C) 2006 Fabricio Costa
26  Authors:
27  Fabricio Costa
28  Andres Colubri
30 *******************************************************************************/
32 #include "moTypes.h"
33 #include "moArray.h"
35 #ifndef __MO_TEXT_H
36 #define __MO_TEXT_H
38 #include <stdio.h>
39 #include <string.h>
40 #include <sstream>
42 #ifdef WIN32
43 #define snprintf _snprintf
44 #endif
46 //====================================================================================
47 // class: moText
48 // derivada de:
49 // descripcion: clase original de manejo de strings en moldeo
50 // author: Gustavo Lado
51 // fecha: ?
52 //====================================================================================
54 #define MO_TXT_COMPLETE 65534
55 #define MO_TXT_NOT_FOUND 65534
60 typedef char* CHARP;
61 typedef int MOINT;
62 typedef unsigned int MOUINT;
64 class moTextArray;
70 #ifndef USE_MOTEXT0
71 #define USE_MOTEXT0 1
72 #endif
73 #ifdef USE_MOTEXT0
76 {
77 public:
78  moText0();
79  moText0(const moText0&);
80  moText0( char*);
81  moText0( const char*);
82  moText0( wchar_t*);
84  moText0( int );
85  moText0( unsigned int );
86  moText0( long );
87  moText0( unsigned long );
88  moText0( long long );
89  moText0( unsigned long long );
90  moText0( float );
91  moText0( double );
93  virtual ~moText0();
95  MOuint Length() const; // devuelve el length del text sin contar el null del final.
97  // operadores que usan solo objetos de la clase //
98  moText0& operator = ( const moText0& txt);
99  moText0& operator +=( const moText0& txt);
100  //friend moText0 operator + ( const moText0& txt, );
102  int operator < ( const moText0& txt) const;
103  int operator > ( const moText0& txt) const;
104  int operator <=( const moText0& txt) const;
105  int operator >=( const moText0& txt) const;
106  int operator ==( const moText0& txt) const;
107  int operator !=( const moText0& txt) const;
109  // operadores que usan c-strings //
110  moText0& operator = ( const char* txt);
111  moText0& operator = ( const short* txt);
112  moText0& operator +=( const char* txt);
114  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moText0 operator +( const moText0& txt1, const moText0& txt2);
115  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moText0 operator +( const moText0& txt1, const char* txt2);
116  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moText0 operator +( const char* txt1, const moText0& txt2);
118  int operator < ( const char* txt) const;
119  int operator > ( const char* txt) const;
120  int operator <=( const char* txt) const;
121  int operator >=( const char* txt) const;
122  int operator ==( const char* txt) const;
123  int operator !=( const char* txt) const;
125  //char operator [](MOuint pos) { return text[pos]; }
127  // operadores de conversion para poder usar c-strings //
128  virtual operator char*() const { return text; }
129  wchar_t* Unicode() const {
130  std::wstring wc( 1024, L'#' );
131  mbstowcs( &wc[0], text, 1024 );
132  return (wchar_t*)wc.c_str();
133  }
136  // metodos comunes en una clase string//
137  moText0& Left( MOuint); // devuelve el comienzo de un text.
138  moText0& Right( MOuint); // devuelve el final de un text.
139  moText0& Mid( MOuint, MOuint); // devuelve un fragmento intermedio del text.(comienzo, cant de carac)
140  moText0& SubText( MOuint, MOuint); // devuelve un fragmento intermedio del text.(comienzo, final)
142  moText0& Insert( char*, MOuint); // inserta un text dentro de otro.
143  moText0& Delete( MOuint, MOuint); // borra una parte del text.
145  moText0 Scan( char*); // saca y devuelve el primer fragmento de text que este separado por alguno de los caracteres de un cjto.
146  moText0 ScanEx( char*); // saca y devuelve el primer fragmento de text que este separado por alguno de los caracteres de un cjto, y entre comillas.
148  moText0& LTrim(); // saca los espacios del comienzo.
149  moText0& RTrim(); // saca los espacios del final.
150  moText0& Trim(); // saca los espacios del comienzo y del final.
152  unsigned short* Short();
153  void ToUpper(); // convierte el text a mayusculas.
154  void ToLower(); // convierte el text a minusculas.
156  moTextArray Explode( char* separator ) const;
157  int Find( const moText0& target );
158  void ReplaceChar( const char* target, const char* replacement );
159  void Replace( const moText0& target, const moText0& replacement );
161 private:
162  char* text;
163  MOuint length;
165  // Estos metodos son el motor de la clase. Contienen toda la logica
166  // de como se maneja moText0. Todos los metodos publicos las usan.
167 public:
168  void txtcopy( const char* txt, MOuint pos = 0, MOuint com = 0, MOuint fin = MO_TXT_COMPLETE); // copy c-strings(reserva la memoria y pone los nulls al final)
169  void txtcopy( const short* txt, MOuint pos = 0, MOuint com = 0, MOuint fin = MO_TXT_COMPLETE); // copy c-strings(reserva la memoria y pone los nulls al final)
170 private:
171  txtcval txtcomp( const char* txt, MOuint com1 = 0, MOuint com2 = 0) const;
172  MOuint txtfind( const char* txt, txtpert pert = MO_TXT_BELONG, MOuint com = 0, int dir = 1) const;
173 };
174 #endif
176 /*
177 //====================================================================================
178 // class: moString
179 // derivada de: string
180 // descripcion: clase que agrega al string del STL las funciones del moText original.
181 // author: Andres Colubri
182 // fecha: 01/20/2007
183 //====================================================================================
185 class LIBMOLDEO_API moString : public std::string
186 {
187 public:
188  // Constructors.
189  moString() : std::string() {}
190  moString(MOuint length, const char& ch) : std::string(length, ch) {}
191  moString(const char* str) : std::string(str) {}
192  moString(const char* str, MOuint length) : std::string(str, length) {}
193  moString(const std::string& s) : std::string(s) {}
194  moString(const moString& s) : std::string((std::string)s) {}
195  moString(const std::string& str, MOuint index, MOuint length) : std::string(str, index, length) {}
196  moString(const moString& str, MOuint index, MOuint length) : std::string((std::string)str, index, length) {}
198  // Moldeo functions.
199  moString& Left(MOuint nchar); // Sets the string to the first nchar characters in the string.
200  moString& Right(MOuint nchar); // Sets the string to the last nchar characters in the string.
201  moString& Mid(MOuint first, MOuint nchar); // Sets the string to an intermediate substring.
202  moString& SubText(MOuint first, MOuint last); // Sets the string to an intermediate substring.
204  moString& Insert(char *str, MOuint pos); // Inserts s at position pos.
205  moString& Delete(MOuint first, MOuint nchar); // Deletes a part of the string.
207  moString Scan(char *set); // Returns the first substring separated by some of the characters in the set.
208  moString ScanEx(char *set); // Returns the first substring separated by some of the characters in the set and between commas.
210  moString& LTrim(); // Removes the spaces at the beginning of the string.
211  moString& RTrim(); // Removes the spaces at the end of the string.
212  moString& Trim(); // Removes the spaces at both ends of the string.
214  unsigned short* Short(); // Converts the string to an array of shorts.
215  void ToUpper(); // Converts the string to uppercase.
216  void ToLower(); // Converts the string to lowercase.
218  MOuint Length() { return MOuint(length()); }
220  // String functions.
221  moString& assign(const moString& str) { std::string::assign((std::string)str); return *this; }
222  moString& assign(const char* str) { std::string::assign(str); return *this; }
223  moString& assign(const char* str, MOuint num) { std::string::assign(str, num); return *this; }
224  moString& assign(const moString& str, MOuint index, MOuint len) { std::string::assign(str, index, len); return *this; }
225  moString& assign(MOuint num, const char& ch) { std::string::assign(num, ch); return *this; }
227  moString& append(const moString& str) { std::string::append((std::string)str); return *this; }
228  moString& append(const char* str) { std::string::append(str); return *this; }
229  moString& append(const moString& str, MOuint index, MOuint len) { std::string::append(str, index, len); return *this; }
230  moString& append(const char* str, MOuint num) { std::string::append(str, num); return *this; }
231  moString& append(MOuint num, char ch) { std::string::append(num, ch); return *this; }
233  moString substr(MOuint index, MOuint num = npos) { return std::string::substr(index, num); }
234  moString& erase(MOuint index = 0, MOuint num = npos) { std::string::erase(index, num); return *this; }
236  MOuint find(const moString& str, MOuint index) { return std::string::find((std::string)str, index); }
237  MOuint find(const char* str, MOuint index) { return std::string::find(str, index); }
238  MOuint find(const char* str, MOuint index, MOuint length) { return std::string::find(str, index, length); }
239  MOuint find(char ch, MOuint index) { return std::string::find(ch, index); }
241  MOuint rfind(const moString& str, MOuint index) { return std::string::rfind((std::string)str, index); }
242  MOuint rfind(const char* str, MOuint index) { return std::string::rfind(str, index); }
243  MOuint rfind(const char* str, MOuint index, MOuint length) { return std::string::rfind(str, index, length); }
244  MOuint rfind(char ch, MOuint index) { return std::string::rfind(ch, index); }
246  int compare(const moString& str) { return std::string::compare((std::string)str); }
247  int compare(const char* str) { return std::string::compare(str); }
248  int compare(MOuint index, MOuint length, const moString& str) { return std::string::compare(index, length, (std::string)str); }
249  int compare(MOuint index, MOuint length, const moString& str, MOuint index2, MOuint length2) { return std::string::compare(index, length, (std::string)str, index2, length2); }
251  moString& insert(MOuint index, const moString& str) { std::string::insert(index, (std::string)str); return *this; }
252  moString& insert(MOuint index, const char* str) { std::string::insert(index, str); return *this; }
253  moString& insert(MOuint index1, const moString& str, MOuint index2, MOuint num) { std::string::insert(index1, (std::string)str, index2, num); return *this; }
254  moString& insert(MOuint index, const char* str, MOuint num) { std::string::insert(index, str, num); return *this; }
255  moString& insert(MOuint index, MOuint num, char ch) { std::string::insert(index, num, ch); return *this; }
257  moString& replace(MOuint index, MOuint num, const moString& str) { std::string::replace(index, num, (std::string)str); return *this; }
258  moString& replace(MOuint index1, MOuint num1, const moString& str, MOuint index2, MOuint num2) { std::string::replace(index1, num1, (std::string)str, index2, num2); return *this; }
259  moString& replace(MOuint index, MOuint num, const char* str) { std::string::replace(index, num, str); return *this; }
260  moString& replace(MOuint index, MOuint num1, const char* str, MOuint num2) { std::string::replace(index, num1, str, num2); return *this; }
261  moString& replace(MOuint index, MOuint num1, MOuint num2, char ch) { std::string::replace(index, num1, num2, ch); return *this; }
263  // Operators.
264  friend LIBMOLDEO_API bool operator == (const moString& c1, const moString& c2) { return (std::string)c1 == (std::string)c2; }
265  friend LIBMOLDEO_API bool operator != (const moString& c1, const moString& c2) { return (std::string)c1 != (std::string)c2; }
266  friend LIBMOLDEO_API bool operator < (const moString& c1, const moString& c2) { return (std::string)c1 < (std::string)c2; }
267  friend LIBMOLDEO_API bool operator > (const moString& c1, const moString& c2) { return (std::string)c1 > (std::string)c2; }
268  friend LIBMOLDEO_API bool operator <= (const moString& c1, const moString& c2) { return (std::string)c1 <= (std::string)c2; }
269  friend LIBMOLDEO_API bool operator >= (const moString& c1, const moString& c2) { return (std::string)c1 >= (std::string)c2; }
271  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moString operator + (const moString& s1, const moString& s2) { return (std::string)s1 + (std::string)s2; }
272  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moString operator + (const char* s, const moString& s2) { return s + (std::string)s2; }
273  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moString operator + (char c, const moString& s2) { return c + (std::string)s2; }
274  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moString operator + (const moString& s1, const char* s) { return (std::string)s1 + s; }
275  friend LIBMOLDEO_API moString operator + (const moString& s1, char c) { return (std::string)s1 + c; }
277  moString& operator = (const std::string& str) { (std::string)(*this) = str; return *this; }
278  moString& operator = (const moString& str) { (std::string)(*this) = (std::string)str; return *this; }
279  moString& operator = (const char* s) { (std::string)(*this) = s; return *this; }
280  moString& operator = (char ch) { (std::string)(*this) = ch; return *this; }
282  virtual operator const char* () { return c_str(); }
283 };
284 */
286 #ifndef USE_MOTEXT0
287 typedef std::string moText;
288 #endif
290 #ifdef USE_MOTEXT0
291 typedef moText0 moText;
292 #endif
294 //====================================================================================
295 // class: moTextHeap
296 // derivada de:
297 // descripcion: heap de strings
298 // author: Fabricio Costa
299 // fecha: ?
300 //====================================================================================
308  public:
309  moTextHeap();
310  moTextHeap( int max_heap );
311  moTextHeap( const moTextHeap& p_copy );
312  moTextHeap& operator =( const moTextHeap& p_src );
313  virtual ~moTextHeap();
315  void Init( int max_heap = MO_MAX_DEBUG );
316  void Push( const moText& p_text ) {
317  if ( n>=1 && (n-1-count)>=0 ) {array[n-1-count] = p_text;}
318  count++;
319  }
320  moText Pop();
321  const moText& Get( int x ) const;
322  int Count() const { return count; }
323  int GetMaxHeap() const { return n; }
324  void Set( int p_position , const moText& p_text );
325  void Clean();
327  private:
328  moText *array;
329  int n;
330  int count;
331  moText m_NULL;
333 };
335 moDeclareExportedDynamicArray( moText, moTextArray );
337 //===========================================
338 //
339 // Utilities
340 //
341 //===========================================
344 LIBMOLDEO_API moText IntToStr( int a, int nzeros );
345 LIBMOLDEO_API moText IntToStr(unsigned int a);
347 LIBMOLDEO_API moText IntToStr(unsigned long a);
348 LIBMOLDEO_API moText IntToStr(long long a);
349 LIBMOLDEO_API moText IntToStr(unsigned long long a);
351 LIBMOLDEO_API moText FloatToStr(double a, int n);
352 LIBMOLDEO_API moText FloatToStr(double a, int nzeros, int ndecimals );
353 LIBMOLDEO_API int HexToInt( const moText& hex );
354 LIBMOLDEO_API long HexToLong( const moText& hex );
355 LIBMOLDEO_API float StrToFloat( const moText& hex );
356 LIBMOLDEO_API double StrToDouble( const moText& hex );
357 LIBMOLDEO_API int StrToInt( const moText& hex );
358 LIBMOLDEO_API long StrToLong( const moText& hex );
360 #endif
bool operator<=(const moMatrix3 &rkM) const
Definition: moMathMatrix.h:960
LIBMOLDEO_API long HexToLong(const moText &hex)
Definition: moText.cpp:1190
bool operator>(const moMatrix3 &rkM) const
Definition: moMathMatrix.h:966
LIBMOLDEO_API float StrToFloat(const moText &hex)
Definition: moText.cpp:1202
LIBMOLDEO_API long StrToLong(const moText &hex)
Definition: moText.cpp:1206
LIBMOLDEO_API moText FloatToStr(double a)
Definition: moText.cpp:1134
Definition: moTypes.h:180
clase de para manejar textos
Definition: moText.h:75
int GetMaxHeap() const
Definition: moText.h:323
moText0 moText
Definition: moText.h:291
LIBMOLDEO_API double StrToDouble(const moText &hex)
Definition: moText.cpp:1198
bool operator==(const moMatrix3 &rkM) const
Definition: moMathMatrix.h:942
unsigned int MOUINT
Definition: moText.h:62
bool operator<(const moMatrix3 &rkM) const
Definition: moMathMatrix.h:954
LIBMOLDEO_API int HexToInt(const moText &hex)
Definition: moText.cpp:1182
Definition: moText.h:57
lista de textos
Definition: moText.h:306
void Push(const moText &p_text)
Definition: moText.h:316
Definition: moText.h:54
bool operator!=(const moMatrix3 &rkM) const
Definition: moMathMatrix.h:948
bool operator>=(const moMatrix3 &rkM) const
Definition: moMathMatrix.h:972
moMatrix3 & operator=(const moMatrix3 &rkM)
char * CHARP
Definition: moText.h:60
#define MOuint
Definition: moTypes.h:387
int Count() const
Definition: moText.h:322
wchar_t * Unicode() const
Definition: moText.h:129
LIBMOLDEO_API moText IntToStr(int a)
Definition: moText.cpp:1070
moMatrix3 operator+(const moMatrix3 &rkM) const
#define MO_MAX_DEBUG
Definition: moTypes.h:381
moMatrix3 & operator+=(const moMatrix3 &rkM)
moDeclareExportedDynamicArray(moText, moTextArray)
Definition: moText.h:58
LIBMOLDEO_API int StrToInt(const moText &hex)
Definition: moText.cpp:1210
Definition: moText.h:61